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Thanks for stopping by!

Hi, I'm Chrissy

I'm an AWAI (American Writers & Artists Inc.) trained persuasive copywriter and have been writing and creating content for myself and others since 2001.

I'm also a member of the Professional Writer's Alliance and AWAI's Circle of Success, and I have a Certification in Content Marketing from Ryan Deiss' Digital Marketing Academy.

With a fair bit of entrepreneurial success under my belt, starting from an eCommerce store in the UK, to a "bricks & mortar" Embroidery business in Australia, I know what it takes to run a business, both online and off.

I've created and sold a number of digital products to Online Marketers from Video Scripts to Content Packages, and I've written Sales Pages, 100s of Emails, Articles, Lead Magnets and more along the way.

Why does this mean for you?

It means I know what it takes to run a business and make it successful. It means I'm experienced enough to see things from your perspective, and most importantly, the perspective of your customers and prospects. And it means I'm trained to produce the copywriting and content you need, so you get the results you want!

What next?

If you like the sound of me and what I can do, let's have a chat to talk about what you need, what you have in mind, or to bounce around some ideas about how I can help you with your business.

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